Tracing (Dis)Trust in the Run Up to the European Elections: Adult and Youth Attitudes towards Governments and Institutions
28 June 2023 | 10:30 – 12:00 CET | Online

Join us for this roundtable discussion that delves into the attitudes of youth and adults towards governments and institutions at different levels of governance, with a specific focus on the topics of trust and distrust.
With the European Elections 2024 on the horizon and millions of young people prepared to cast their votes for the very first time, restoring and strengthening public trust in our political institutions has once again emerged as a key priority on the political agenda. The EnTrust research project offers an innovative approach to understanding and addressing (dis)trust in governance, providing valuable insights and measures to support democratic societies in Europe. One objective of the project is to elucidate the significance of political (dis)trust among young people and delve into its developmental process. A notable illustration of this is the emergence and expression of (dis)trust in political institutions amidst the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, the project conducted large-scale surveys in seven European countries to gather the opinions of citizens and residents regarding (dis)trust towards various levels of governance, especially during challenging economic times. Of particular interest were country variations, political orientations, views on European integration, and other relevant characteristics.
The roundtable discussion will include two presentations of exclusive preliminary research findings related to the topics addressed above, offering decision-makers and stakeholders valuable evidence to (re)build trust in both national and EU governance. Experts from EU institutions and civil society will provide commentary on the findings, sharing insights into the significance of trust in their respective fields of work. Other participants will be invited to intervene and ask questions to further enrich the discussion.