On 10 December 2021, EnTrust will hold an online expert meeting with selected stakeholders from public services, civil society and academia. Participants will discuss first findings from the EnTrust project on the mechanisms of building trust and distrust in relations between citizens and street-level bureaucracy in the area of support to disadvantaged families. In particular, they will address fresh insights from EnTrust research about how both public administration representatives and citizens who contact them when applying for family benefits or services establish their mutual attitudes of trust and distrust, and the reciprocal perceptions of un/trustworthiness at play. A special focus will be on practical and policy recommendations from the practitioners’ perspective. The debate will be opened with an introduction by the work package leader Maria Theiss, who will present key results from the analysis of individual in-depth interviews with frontline workers of social welfare institutions and citizens receiving social assistance in diverse countries such as the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Serbia.

Institute of Social Policy