How can the EU fight (partisan) Disinformation and Hate Speech and protect Media Freedom and Human Rights?
The EnTrust project invites you to online expert roundtables about trustworthy media on 9 February 2023 from 16:00 to 18:00 (CET) with selected stakeholders from European governance institutions, media organisations, civil society and academia.
In the last years, the relationship between the media and trust in democratic institutions has received increasingly attention. Media freedom and pluralism are seen in danger, sometimes caused by governmental control over media outlets. Regulations such as the European Media Freedom Act are being developed to protect editorial independence and make media ownership and concentration more transparent. At the same time, concerns over the dangers of digital platforms for human rights and democracies have become more nuanced, accompanied by instruments such as the European Democracy Action plan, the Code of Practice on Disinformation, and the Digital Services Act. Calls for a stronger regulation of social media and a human rights-based approach to content moderation have grown louder.
In two roundtables, we talk with our panellists about issues, legal instruments, and recommendations in the context of media freedom and human rights on digital platforms. Other participants will have the opportunity to contribute their own views and ask questions to the panellists. The roundtables will be preceded by the presentation of research from the EnTrust project on the role of media in the building of trust and distrust in governance.
You may find the full agenda of the online event here.
- Welcome and introduction by:
Prof. Christian Lahusen, University of Siegen, Germany
- Presentation of the Research Report on Trust and the Media:
Prof. Hans-Jörg Trenz, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy
- First Roundtable: Protecting Media Freedom and Pluralism in Europe
Barbora Bukovská, Senior Director for Law and Policy, Article 19
Artemiza-Tatiana Chisca, Head of the Media and Internet Division, Council of Europe
Audrius Perkauskas, Deputy Head of Unit at the European Commission, Audiovisual and Media Services Policy (CNECT.I.1)
Renate Schroeder, Director, European Federation of Journalists
Moderated by Alexandrina Najmowicz, Secretary General, European Civic Forum
- Second Roundtable: Digital Platforms and Human Rights: what is the Role of Regulation?
Marie-Hélène Boulanger, Head of Unit at the European Commission, Union Citizenship Rights and Free Movement (JUST.D.3)
Jan Penfrat, Senior Policy Advisor, European Digital Rights
Alberto Rabbachin, Deputy Head of Unit at the European Commission, Media Convergence and Social Media (CNECT.I.4)
Moderated by Marlena Wisniak, Senior Legal Consultant, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law
- Closing and concluding Remarks:
Prof. Christian Lahusen, University of Siegen, Germany