After four years, the project is coming to an end, and the consortium presented the findings of research on trust and distrust in governance in two events:

- Research conference
The research conference of the EnTrust project, organised in collaboration with the Partnership Team of the European Parliament, was dedicated to the question of how trust in governance can be (re)built, with a strong focus on the EU level. The conference included workshops on the practice- and policy-relevance, as well as future research, related to the EnTrust work package topics.
For the agenda of the Research conference, please click here.

- Final conference
The final conference of the EnTrust project, hosted by MEP René Repasi, was dedicated to the question of how trust in governance can be (re)built, with a strong focus on the EU level. The conference featured keynote speeches and a high-level panel discussion, as well as a presentation of policy recommendations that encompass different governance levels and stakeholders. After a break, the late afternoon was dedicated to the vision of young people on the future of the EU. This session included the awards ceremony of the related EnTrust creative youth contest.
For the draft agenda of the Final Conference, please click here.

You may watch the video recording of the Final Conference on our YouTube channel.