Documentary videos

At the culmination of the project, EnTrust produced a series of short documentaries to highlight our main findings about the forms, determinants and consequences of trust and distrust in governance, as well as to give a voice to various research participants.

The seven short documentaries, produced together with filmmaker Camille Delbos, feature EnTrust researchers, public officials, institutional representatives, civil society and social movements activists, and individual citizens from 12 countries who discuss the different topics tackled by the project. The teaser of the documentary series was presented during the EnTrust Final Conference on 10th January 2024 at the European Parliament.

You can find the playlist of the videos in the EnTrust Youtube channel.

Discover the videos below:

  • Theoretical and Normative Underpinnings of Trust & Distrust in governance: In this video, researchers and civil society representatives discuss the role of institutional trust in democracies and present the concept of ‘enlightened trust’.
  • Trust and Distrust at the Street-level of Public Policy: This video presents core findings from EnTrust’s research about trust and distrust dynamics in the social service provision. It gives voice to researchers, social service workers, public administrations and civil society organisations representing the users’ interests.
  • The Role of Democratic Social Movements in the Formation of Trust & Distrust: In this video, democratic social movements are analysed as alternative arenas of political participation when citizens withdraw from institutional politics. It discusses whether social movements can mobilise citizens’ distrust in institutions and make productive use of it.
  • The Role of the Media in Trust and Distrust Building: This documentary video discusses the role of the media and journalism in building trust and distrust in governance, science, and the media. It addresses key challenges of public communication in the digital age, including the spread of disinformation and threats to press freedom.
  • Developmental-psychological Insights Into Trust and Distrust: This documentary gives voice to experts and young people on the evolution of trust and distrust from childhood to adulthood, the impact of cultural and political contexts and individual experiences in building trust or distrust in political institutions and public authorities.
  • Citizens’ (Dis-)Trust in Governance: Forms, Determinants, Effects & Remedies: The video gives voice to researchers, public officials and activists in presenting the forms, determinants, effects and remedies of citizens’ trust or distrust, and the role that deliberative democracy can play in building trust between citizens and political institutions.
  • Civilising Trust and Distrust: Role Models and Recommendations: This video reflects on the relationship between civil society organisations and public authorities in EU-level policy making. It gives voice to representatives of pan-European civil society organisations and discusses the conditions to empower civic space at the European level.

The videos feature interviews with:

  • Christian Lahusen – University of Siegen
  • Antonella Valmorbida – ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy
  • Maria Theiss – University of Warsaw
  • Tomasz Pactwa – Social Effort Department in Warsaw
  • Sadija Gicić – Social Worker (retired), Centre for Social Work
  • Spyros Psychas – European Anti-Poverty Network
  • Marta Lempart – All-Poland Women Strike
  • Irena Fiket – University of Belgrade
  • Hans-Jörg Trenz – Scuola Normale Superiore/University of Copenhagen
  • Jan Russezki – Journalist, Formerly at AFP Faktencheck
  • Julie Majerczak – Reporters sans frontières (RSF)
  • Petr Macek – Masaryk University of Brno
  • María Rodríguez Alcázar – European Youth Forum
  • Ofelia and Aviaya – teenagers
  • Enrico Padoan – University of Siena
  • Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul – European Commission
  • Daniela Vancic – Democracy International e.V.
  • Gabriella Civico – CEV-Centre for European Volunteering, President of Civil Society
  • Europe
  • Carlotta Besozzi – Civil Society Europe (CSE)
  • Vitor Teixeira – Transparency International EU

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